Activision ha appena rilasciato un hot-fix per Call Of Duty – Ghosts che affliggeva tutte le piattaforme: durante il gioco alcuni nemici erano invisibili e immortali, un bug notevole e soprattutto fastidioso per i videogiocatori. Di seguito le correzioni effettuate dall’hot-fix per Xbox One, valide anche per le altre piattaforme, come elencate da un post ufficiale sul forum di Call Of Duty Ghosts.
- Improved performance issues caused by spamming.
- Fixed issues that would occur after resuming from suspension.
- Improved backend multiplayer stability.
- Fixed rare crash that could occur when using a guest account.
- Fixed issue with calling trinity rocket at exact same moment as an enemy’s jammer left the player in laptop view.
Additional fixes
- Fixed a variety of map specific spawn issues.
- Fixed Blitz freecam bug which caused Ghosts portals to always be blue and Federation orange.
- Fixed a freecam bug where the friendly team on the minmap could change color between rounds.
- Fixed not showing attachments and weapon camo for players while in private match lobby.
- Fixed dog’s extended kill not showing properly in final killcam.
- Fixed lobby migration closing the create a class screen.
- Improved controller pairing functionality.
- Added a lock in multiplayer round start/end to prevent game from ending incorrectly.
- Added hardcore option for Domination leaderboards.
- Fixed overlap bug with the spectated playcard and the spectator map.
- Fix to set a default reticle when switching a weapon’s sights.
- Fixed an FFA specific issue where players didn’t spawn into the correct version of Strikezone.
Hot Fix:
All PlatformsFix for various hacks including “invisibility” and “god mode.
Oltre al bug dei nemici immortali e invisibili la patch corregge alcuni problemi minori e aggiunge un paio di opzioni nel multiplayer: speriamo che non escano altri problemi simili, non il massimo da un gioco che fa del multiplayer la sua forza.