E’ il periodo degli aggiornamenti dei browser, in settimana abbiamo parlato dell’uscita di Firefox 18 e adesso è arrivato il turno di Chrome 24, nuova release del browser firmato Google che ormai pare aver superato quello di Mozilla in tutte le statistiche di utilizzo.
La nuova versione di Google Chrome è ancora più veloce migliorando il già rapidissimo motore Javascript del browser e introducendo il supporto a MathML, un linguaggio di markup matematico usato per rappresentare simboli e formule matematiche nei documenti web.
Viene introdotto inoltre il supporto sperimentale ai Custom Filters CSS e il tamponamento di 24 vulnerabilità, forse da cui deriva anche il nome, di cui 11 classificate con massima priorità. Per tutto il resto delle novità, ecco il changelog completo tratto dal blog ufficiale di Chrome:
- [$1000] [162494] High CVE-2012-5145: Use-after-free in SVG layout. Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG.
- [$4000] [165622] High CVE-2012-5146: Same origin policy bypass with malformed URL. Credit to Erling A Ellingsen and Subodh Iyengar, both of Facebook.
- [$1000] [165864] High CVE-2012-5147: Use-after-free in DOM handling. Credit to José A. Vázquez.
- [167122] Medium CVE-2012-5148: Missing filename sanitization in hyphenation support. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Justin Schuh).
- [166795] High CVE-2012-5149: Integer overflow in audio IPC handling. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Chris Evans).
- [165601] High CVE-2012-5150: Use-after-free when seeking video. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Inferno).
- [165538] High CVE-2012-5151: Integer overflow in PDF JavaScript. Credit to Mateusz Jurczyk, with contribution from Gynvael Coldwind, both of Google Security Team.
- [165430] Medium CVE-2012-5152: Out-of-bounds read when seeking video. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Inferno).
- [164565] High CVE-2012-5153: Out-of-bounds stack access in v8. Credit to Andreas Rossberg of the Chromium development community.
- [Windows only] [164490] Low CVE-2012-5154: Integer overflow in shared memory allocation. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Chris Evans).
- [Mac only] [163208] Medium CVE-2012-5155: Missing Mac sandbox for worker processes. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Julien Tinnes).
- [162778] High CVE-2012-5156: Use-after-free in PDF fields. Credit to Mateusz Jurczyk, with contribution from Gynvael Coldwind, both of Google Security Team.
- [162776] [162156] Medium CVE-2012-5157: Out-of-bounds reads in PDF image handling. Credit to Mateusz Jurczyk, with contribution from Gynvael Coldwind, both of Google Security Team.
- [162153] High CVE-2013-0828: Bad cast in PDF root handling. Credit to Mateusz Jurczyk, with contribution from Gynvael Coldwind, both of Google Security Team.
- [162114] High CVE-2013-0829: Corruption of database metadata leading to incorrect file access. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Jüri Aedla).
- [Windows only] [162066] Low CVE-2013-0830: Missing NUL termination in IPC. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Justin Schuh).
- [161836] Low CVE-2013-0831: Possible path traversal from extension process. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Tom Sepez).
- [160380] Medium CVE-2013-0832: Use-after-free with printing. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Cris Neckar).
- [154485] Medium CVE-2013-0833: Out-of-bounds read with printing. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Cris Neckar).
- [154283] Medium CVE-2013-0834: Out-of-bounds read with glyph handling. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Cris Neckar).
- [152921] Low CVE-2013-0835: Browser crash with geolocation. Credit to Arthur Gerkis.
- [150545] High CVE-2013-0836: Crash in v8 garbage collection. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Cris Neckar).
- [145363] Medium CVE-2013-0837: Crash in extension tab handling. Credit to Tom Nielsen.
- [Linux only] [143859] Low CVE-2013-0838: Tighten permissions on shared memory segments. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Chris Palmer).
Per coloro che non hanno ancora installato nel loro computer Chrome 24 possono farlo dal link sotto riportato, mentre per gli altri utenti che hanno Chrome e vorrebbero passare alla versione successiva ci penserà il browser stesso che si aggiornerà automaticamente in modo silenzioso.
Chrome 24 Italiano Download gratis | Link
fonte | Geekissimo