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“Glass at work”: i Google Glass guardano al business

Google continua a lavorare per l’espansione dei suoi Google Glass. Dopo l’apertura del programma explorer a tutti negli Stati Uniti e la richiesta di registrazione alle aziende interessate a sviluppare app per il business, nelle scorse ore Mountain View ha annunciato un’altra novità che va in questa direzione. Big G, infatti, ha reso note le prime cinque società che sono diventate ufficialmente partner del programma “Glass at work”: APX Labs, Augmedix, CrowdOptic, GuidiGo, and Wearable Intelligence. Tutte le aziende scelte si occupano di settori tra cui la sanità, il live broadcasting e la produzione di eventi.

Per ora è ancora tutto da scoprire ciò che effettivamente Google farà per queste aziende oltre ad apporre il logo  “Glass Certified”. Il gigante californiano però continua a dimostrare interesse per i possibili utilizzi dei suoi smartglasses in ambito lavorativo e professionale, in attesa che il lancio al di fuori dei confini statunitensi ne aiuti la diffusione anche a livello commerciale.

apx labs

APX Labs makes Skylight, the leading business software for Glass. It provides workers with hands-free, real-time access to enterprise data and the expertise they need to do their job. Skylight is used by Fortune 500 companies spanning multiple industries 
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Doctors spend over a third of their day pushing and pulling information to and from the Electronic Health Record. Augmedix provides a service for doctors that allows them to reclaim this time and refocus it on what matters most: patient care. 
Contact Augmedix

crowd optic

CrowdOptic’s software detects significant broadcast events from mobile and wearable devices, and provides breathtaking content for live broadcasts and context-aware applications for the sports, entertainment, building/security, and medical industries.
Contact Crowd Optic


Our mission is to inspire people to connect with art and culture through a compelling mobile storytelling experience. Glass brings us closer to that vision, and by partnering with museums and cultural institutions this becomes accessible to everyone.
Contact GuidiGo

wearable intelligence

Wearable Intelligence creates Glassware for energy, manufacturing, healthcare, and more. Our workflow, communications, training, and data access products are in the field at some of the world’s best known companies.
Contact Wearable Intelligence


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